Within the past few weeks, YouTube has added hashtag capability. Hashtags can now be used in the YouTube search box, but more importantly, they can also be used in the Description field, and in the Title as well. This is a great addition, because not only can you search with YouTube in the search box, but you can click on an included hashtag and get some of the newest and most popular videos on the channel.
What does that mean for Cincinnati businesses with video? It means that you should immediately add hashtags wherever you can in the videos that are already on your channel. Early adapters will likely see good success. I also encourage you to invent your own hashtag and use it everywhere. I believe that you will get a lot more engagement from new viewers if they find you via a hashtag. Since this a new feature to YouTube, a lot of folks don’t know about it yet. So get the jump on your competition and move ahead in search. Make it short, simple and memorable. And do some research before you commit to an invented hashtag.
If you need help, have questions or would like a free YouTube audit on your channel, get in touch.
–that’s a wrap