


Chris: Video for business is a very powerful way to communicate with customers and potential customers online, and let me explain what I mean by that. You have the opportunity usine video to show customers exactly what it is that you do. Many of us have businesses where what we do, the products and services we provide are obvious. But just as many of us have things that the customers never really see. We do all the work in our shop or in our office. Or when we're working in their homes or their ofices, they're not there to see what we're doing, so showing a customer or potential customer what we've done before and after gives us as the business a clear way to demonstrate how we do our services, and exactly what it is that we do. Another way that businesses can use video is to show some of the products, demonstrate how they work, demonstrate how they are an improvement over what the customer is using or has installed currently. It gives us a way to explain ourselves, show what it is that we do, and get infron tof that customer when they are looking to solve a probllem in their home life, or in their business lives. Another good way to use video is to introduce yourself as the business owner or top manager, or to introdce your employees to put a ace on your business. You will still catch my attention more quickly if I can see you and I can hear you in a short introductory video. As the customer, I can get a read on you and size you up almost as well as if I were in the room with you, so video helps introduce yourself and your business. The last thing that I always talk with businesses about when they're considering using video is this: the people who are happy customers for us, who are repeat customers for us - they're our best salespeople, so why not put them on camera, ask them to talk about how we helped them, the kind of job we did for them, and ask them if they would recommend us online. Not veryone will want to do that, but many of our customers - the ones we've really thrilled - the ones we do repeat business with - many of those folks will happily get online and go on camera and talk about what a greeat job we've done and how they have no reservation to recommend us to their family and friends and business partners. So getting those video referrals from your customers and publishing those on your website, on YouTube, on Facebook: real powerful way to get your message out.


May 14, 2010