One of my website partners referred a longtime client to me. Of course, he wanted a video, BUT he was having a friend put something together for his business.
Then, he sent that to me.
In the entire video, his business name wasn’t even mentioned. There was also no call to action – the video simply ended. To top it off, his friend had found some stock footage of a man searching for something on his laptop. In that piece of stock footage, you could see – reflected in the man’s glasses – what he was searching for. It had nothing to do with the client’s business.
One of my products, #NoContact Video, Uses stock footage along with client-supplied photos to create a compelling 60 second video. The price is ultra affordable, so I sell a lot of those to companies where I can’t travel to shoot.
While my client had sent me some photos, I used those in a montage instead of inserting them directly into the video. Then, after a couple of hours searching for other footage I could use for his very specific industry, I rolled that in with some animated graphics that spoke to his features and benefits. Finally, I added a directed call to action.
My small business client loved it, and wanted to use it immediately. We’ll keep track of the number of views it gets and the amount of business it generates.
So just because you “know a guy”, it always pays to check in with a professional. The savings in time and hassles could be worth it.
–That’s a wrap.
Ron Harper is the founder of Videos On Your Website, a Cincinnati digital marketing firm specializing in video web content for businesses. Read more at Videos ON Your Website.