Powerful Customer Testimonials

We turn customer testimonials into YES-timonials by taking prospects thru the buying process with someone who is just like them. We know how to make you and your customers look great. We shoot on location in Cincinnati, Dayton and Northern Kentucky. And we deliver the finished videos quickly. Professional looking video testimonials are a powerful and an effective selling tool.

We wrote the book on video testimonials. Get your free copy on the "Free E-Books" link on the left.

Customer Testimonials

This is without a doubt the most powerful form of content you can provide. Your happy clients and raving fans are your best sales force. Professional video shot in person. Click to watch demo video. Duration 2:38

Testimonials Tell A Story

Customer video testimonials are trusted more than anonymous reviews because it puts a face and a voice to the experience. Add emotion that puts the viewer into the story and you get a must watch video. Click to watch the story. Duration 2:02


  • How To Videos
  • FAQs
  • Tips and Testimonials
  • Episodic Series showing that your brand is credible. Publish regularly